The post repair machine applies to score line repair for Easy Open Ends. It features stable production, low power consumption and easy maintenance. It can run different ends sizes / types depending on the customers' request.
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The new design of our machines meets and beats all other types of machines offered on the market. We have also achieved better performances giving more immersion time, checking the process end by end, reducing bath foaming and solution waste, and reducing cleaning and maintenance down-times. The total accessibility of any parts makes this machine “user-friendly” for the operator.
The SLAC Automatic Balancing System balances the outputs between shell system and the Liner as well as the outputs between the Liner and conversion system, thus improving the efficiency of the production line. This system is stable, has low power consumption and is easy to maintain and repair. It can be customized into servo driven, and the number of robots can be one or two.
SLAC Auto Bagger is designed to pack the Easy Open Ends production automatically, including functions like counting, ends separating, pushing ends into paper bags, sealing the bags automatically and auto stacking. This system offers stability, low power consumption and is convenient to maintain and repair. It can be customized to be servo driven, and the number of robots can be one or two.
This machine has been developed to automatically shrink wrap steel and aluminum ends. The ends coming from the production lines are counted (accuracy ± 1 end per sleeve), separated into a stack and then picked up by a gripper. The gripper moves on a system of x-y axes and transports the stick to the wrapping station, where it is wrapped using micro-perforated plastic film, heat-sealed longitudinally and then heat shrunk by hot air blowers during transport through a step roller conveyor to the out-feed of the machine. The machine can be tooled with one to 5 lanes and will conform to the required safety and accident prevention requirements.
The can line decorator can handle up to 2200 cans per minute (depending on the can size) and features 8 color printing, excellent print quality, and easy maintenance.
SLAC provides a Digital Can Printer Model SC-DCP-200-6, using CYMK + WIHTE + SPECIAL COLOR , uv ink and uv-led curing. It has many print features and offers terrific print quality. The printer is environmentally friendly, offers simple operation and suitable for continuous production.
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11235 Sebring Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45240
+1 (513)589-3907