
SLAC Hexad Conversion System

in High Speed EOE Line High Speed Conversion System

SLAC Hexad conversion system is researched for aluminum ends.
The presses of this system are all using Minster ECH-125 series presses. It's a high speed system. The press speed is 750 stroke per minute, and this system can produce 4500 ends per minute. It is suitable for the ends which diameter 202 and below. The capacity is 50% more than the four-out system, and the tab material's utilization ratio of this system is 4.5% more than the four-out system.

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C12 and C24 Coil Feeding System

in High Speed EOE Line High Speed Shell System

SLAC coil feeding shell system is built on a Minster or Bruderer press. It can run at high speed stably and is convenient for maintenance. The feeding rollers are dual servo drive, which will not cause indentation on the surface of the coil when the shell system is fed at high speed steadily.

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SLAC C8 Coil Feeding Shell System

in High Speed EOE Line High Speed Shell System

SLAC coil feeding shell system is built on a Minster or Bruderer press. It can run at high speed stably and is easy to maintain.

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SLAC S280 Sheet Feeding Shell System

in High Speed EOE Line High Speed Shell System

SLAC Sheet Feeding shell system is built on either the Minster or Chinese brand press. It can run consistently at high speed and is easy to maintain. The feeding mechanism can be dismantled by an air-suspending mechanism quickly and has clamping jaws to catch the sheets. The shell tooling has an air pressure forming structure so that the shell specs can stay consistent. Additionally, the tooling parts have a long service life and are easily replaced. Vacuum system makes the shells stick onto the transfer belts and be carried into the Curler. There are 4 Curlers, whose simple configuration is easy to adjust insuring that the produced shells have consistent specs. Overall maintenance cost is low.

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